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GHS PF150 Light Loop-end
.L 010 .L 012 .L 014 .LB 022 .L
GHS Banjo Strings are among the most played in the world. With stainless steel or phosphor bronze winding, GHS banjo strings will accommodate all playing styles. For added value GHS provides extra large loops for easy instalation and a 42" winding to fit nearly all banjos.
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Boston TBN-50-L Banjo Tenor Irish tuning
.009 . 013 . 022 . 028
Banjo "Irish Tuning" Loop-End, leichte spannung, Nickel-Tenor-Saitensatz
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La Bella 720L-LE Tenor Light Silver Plated Steel Wound
.010 .012 .021 .031
Banjo "Silver plated wound" set of strings, light gauge loop end
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D'Addario EJ69 Banjo Phosphor Bronze Wound Lgt.
.009 .009 .011 .013 .020W
D'Addario EJ69 Banjo strings are made from plain steel and offer a Phosphor Bronze wound 4th string. Phosphor Bronze was introduced to string making by D'Addario in 1974 and has become synonymous with warm acoustic tone.
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Martin V720 Vega banjo Tenor Loop end
.009 .016 .023w .030w
Martin Vega Banjo strings are made with silverplated steel core wire and nickel alloy wrap wire.
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D'Addario EJ69B Banjo Ball End Phosphor Bronze Lg
.009 .009 .011 .013 .020W
D'Addario EJ69B Banjo strings are designed for banjos requiring ball end strings. Each string has a ball end instead of a loop end. J69B Banjo strings are made from plain steel and offer a Phosphor Bronze wound 4th string. Phosphor Bronze was introduced to string making by D'Addario in 197...
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D'Addario EJ55 5-String Banjo, Phosphor Bronze, Medium, 10-23
.010 .012 .016 .023W .010
D'Addario EJ55 5-saitige Banjo-Sets sind aus Stahl gefertigt und bieten eine Phosphor Bronze umwundene 4. Saite für einen warmen Ton. Loopend-Konstruktion für universelle Passform. D'Addario Banjo-Saiten werden von Legenden wie Ralph Stanley, Rob McCoury, Ron Block, Alison Brown und...
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.0095 . 011 . 012 . 020 . 0095
J.D. CROWE SIGNATURE STUDIO Loop end sets are extra long (42" winding) to fit any banjo. Loops are special shape to fit a variety of tailpieces. Plain steel strings feature GHS Lock Twist to stay in tune.
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John Pearse 2020H Irish Tenor Banjo Heavy gauge
.013 . 020 . 028 . 040
Irish tenor banjo Heavy gauge 80/20 bronze wound
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GHS 220 Tenor Loop End Stainless Steel
.0105 .012 .020w .028w
Loop end sets are extra long (42" Winding) to fit any banjo. Loops are special shape to fit a variety of tailpieces. Plain steel strings feature GHS Lock Twist to stay in tune.
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D'Addario EJ61NY 5-String Banjo, Nickel, Medium, 10-23
.010 .012 .016 .023W .010
EJ61NY bietet glatte Saiten und sechseckige Kerne aus D'Addario's revolutionären NY High Carbon Steel für eine unerhörte Stärke und Pitchstabilität. Dieses Set bietet eine ideale Balance zwischen Spielspannung, hellem Ton und dynamischer Projektion. Diese Sets sind als Loop-End-Konst...
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GHS PF120 Light Loop-end
.011 . 014 . 018 . 024 . 034 .042
GHS Banjo Strings are among the most played in the world. With stainless steel winding, GHS banjo strings will accommodate all playing styles. For added value GHS provides extra large loops for easy instalation and a 42" winding to fit nearly all banjos.