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Fender 351 Mojo Grip Dura-Tone Delrin Thin/Medium 0.58mm
The Fender Mojo Grip™ is a nitrile rubber sleeve that provides a better gripping surface, and extra thickness to a 351 shape pick. The grips come with a Dura-Tone Delrin pick already in place. The best part of the Fender MojoGrip™ is that the grip is separate from the pick. If you wear...
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Ernie Ball 3721 Regular Slinky Cobalt Electric 3-pack
.010 .013 .017 .026w .036w .046w
Ernie Ball Cobalt guitar strings are made of a new alloy formulation that gives you higher output, better sound, and longer life. Cobalt strings' special iron/cobalt blend attracts the magnets in your pickups better than any other alloy. When you string up with Ernie Ball Cobalts, you'll i...
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Dunlop 477R305 Primetone Sharp Tip 3.0mm
Accuracy and tone are two key elements we took into consideration when designing our JD Jazztones. Developed specifically for the jazz guitarist, JD Jazztones feature a super gripping surface, are non-flexible, great for speed, and have a precision contoured edge to ensure a smooth release...
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Developed in collaboration with legendary shredmeister John Petrucci, this pick is designed to complement his huge sound and the intricate passages he's famous for playing. It projects volume and depth thanks to Ultex®, and its uniform bevel allows John to move from string to string with ...
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Dunlop 88B Trigger Capo Classic Black
Ergonomic shape and padded handle make fret positioning easy. Strong spring action clamps it firmly in place. Made to span the wider neck of a classical guitar.
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Dunlop 9011R Fingerpicks White Plastic Medium
Plastic fingerpicks can be used on almost any stringed instrument, giving the player a warm tonal response and increased control.
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Savarez Argentine - 1013 loop end Sol-3 omwonden zilver metaal 022
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Ibanez B1000PG-YE Paul Gilbert signature guitar pick
Paul Gilbert signature pick feature Ibanez's original "Short teardrop" shape, which offers the versatility of regular size teardrop and the fine pick control of jazz type. 1.0mm polyacetal
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D'Addario EJ51 Pro-Arté with Polished Basses, Hard Tension
.028 . 033 . 041 030 . 036 . 044
D'Addario EJ51 verfügt über polierte Bässe, die das Quietschen der Finger reduzieren und somit ideal für Aufnahmen sind. Diese harten Saiten sind eine beliebte Wahl für ihren vollen Ton, erhöhten Widerstand und starke Projektion. Pro-Arte, die beliebtesten klassischen Saiten der Wel...
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D'Addario EPS160 XL ProSteels Medium
Das EPS160, D'Addarios meistverkauftes ProSteels-Bass-Set für schwere Bässe, bietet korrosive High-End-Bässe, würzige Bässe und eine super lange Lebensdauer. Diese Saiten sind für Long-Scale-Bässe (34 "+) konzipiert, haben eine Konizität von 36 - 7/8" und sind eine gute Wahl für S...
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D'Addario ETB92S Short scale Black Nylon Tapewound
.050 .065 .085 .105
Das mit schwarzem Nylon Band gewickelte set von ETB bietet die ideale Kombination aus warmen, tiefen Tönen mit einem ultra glattes Gefühl. Dieses Set bietet einen Vintage-Klang mit dem "oomph" eines Kontrabassbasses und der fokussierte Tiefe traditioneller Flatwound-Saiten. Die Tapew...
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Fisoma F2000 SL Tramper Super light Silver plated Acoustic
.010 . 013 . 020 . 024 . 033 . 044
hexagonal steel core, covered with silvered copper wire