Elixir 12302 Baritone 012/068 Nanoweb
The big boys - 68's
The big boys - 68's
I knew what I was ordering. :)
12-68 isn't your typical string thickness. As you can imagine, the 46's are nice for some medium E standart tuning, 52's for D#, 56's for D, etc. With 68's you can hit some heavy sounding downtuning on your guitar. I use these bad boys on B and A# tunings, and they havent failed me once. Once you set up any elixir strings, the will literary sound like new for MONTHS, because of the special coating.
The coating may make the sound a little different, but you can choose between coating types. In their website they specify which coating is best for your sound.
All my guitars use elixir. I have one guitar which uses the lighter elixir 12-46 set, so im not just playing the heavy ones.
If youre a guy or gal, that likes to play rough, then this is the set for you. If im not playing my songs, I play covers of, Type O Negative, Crowbar, Illdisposed, In Flames and other heavily downtuned bands. You just cant use light sets, when playing these songs.
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